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About Us



Renee Raisanen



Andrea Schartz


Pig Floyd

Quality Control & 
Chief Mischief Maker

A little more to the story...

Who knew a collection of green stamps, a family reunion, life-long neighbor, and a science camp stipend funded road trip would set into motion a lifetime hobby, turned passion, turned business.  Renee and Andrea certainly did not! 

Acquiring their first boats in unusual fashions, Renee and Andrea, the daughter-mother dynamic duo and owners of BH Paddlesports both started their paddling journeys on an adolescent whim never thinking it would ever lead them to still be paddling much less start a business together.  Twisting, turning, and often unpredictable, life has a funny way of working itself out - much like a river. Organically over the last few years, various contributing factors set into motion what is today Black Hills Paddlesports. Through collaboration and education, our goal is to help others feel comfortable and confident on the water so they can safely enjoy all the fun and enrichment of water and our beautiful Pahá Sápa - Black Hills.  

Renee's Favorite Quote

"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom,

and a little flower." 

- Hans Christen Andersen 

Andrea's Favorite Quote

"I am in love with this world. I have nestled lovingly in it. I have climbed its mountains, roamed its forests, sailed its waters, crossed its deserts, felt the sting of its frost, the oppression of its heats, the drench of its rains, the fury of its winds, and always have beauty and joy waited upon my goings and comings. " - John Burroughs

Floyd's Favorite Quote

"You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing." 
- Charlotte's Web
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